Working Papers
The Effect of Medicaid on Crime: Evidence from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
with Amy Finkelstein and Katherine Baicker, NBER Working Paper 33244.
The Causal Effects of Income on Political Attitudes and Behavior: A Randomized Field Experiment
with Elizabeth Rhodes, Alex Bartik, David Broockman, Patrick Krause and Eva Vivalt, NBER Working Paper
The Impact of Unconditional Cash Transfers on Consumption and Household Balance Sheets: Experimental Evidence from Two US States
with Elizabeth Rhodes, Alex Bartik, David Broockman, Patrick Krause and Eva Vivalt, NBER Working Paper
Does Income Affect Health? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Guaranteed Income
with Elizabeth Rhodes, Alex Bartik, David Broockman, Patrick Krause and Eva Vivalt, revise and resubmit, American Economic Review
The Employment Effects of a Guaranteed Income: Experimental Evidence from Two U.S. States
with Eva Vivalt, Elizabeth Rhodes, Alex Bartik, David Broockman, and Patrick Krause, NBER Working Paper
The Long-Term Effects of Income for At-Risk Infants: Evidence from Supplemental Security Income
with Amelia Hawkins, Christopher Hollrah, Laura R.Wherry, Mitchell Wong and Gloria Aldana, conditionally accepted, American Economic Review
Maternal and Infant Health Inequality: New Evidence from Linked Administrative Data
with Kate Kennedy-Moulton, Petra Persson, Maya Rossin-Slater, Laura R. Wherry and Gloria Aldana, revise and resubmit, Review of Economics and Statistics
Covering Undocumented Immigrants: The Effects of A Large-Scale Prenatal Care Intervention
with Laura R. Wherry, revise and resubmit, AEJ: Economic Policy
Does Increasing Access to Formal Credit Reduce Payday Borrowing?
with Cindy K. Soo, NBER Working Paper 27783
The Impact of Provider Payments on Health Care Utilization: Evidence from Medicare and Medicaid
with Colleen Carey and Marika Cabral, forthcoming, AEJ: Economic Policy
Hospital Facility Prices Declined As A Result Of Oregon’s Hospital Payment Cap
with Roslyn C. Murray (lead author), Zach Y. Brown, Edward C. Norton, and Andrew M. Ryan, Health Affairs, 43(3) (2024).
Health Insurance Coverage And Access To Care Among LGBT Adults, 2013–19
with Andrew Bolibol, Thomas Buchmueller, and Benjamin Lewis, Health Affairs, 42(6) (2023).
Difference Does a Diagnosis Make? Evidence from Marginal Patients
with Mattan Alalouf and Laura R. Wherry, accepted, American Journal of Health Economics.
Multi-generational Impacts of Childhood Access to the Safety Net: Early Life Exposure to Medicaid and the Next Generation’s Health
with Chloe East, Marianne Page, and Laura Wherry, American Economic Review 113(1):98-135 (2023).
The Economic Consequences of Being Denied an Abortion
with Laura R. Wherry and Diana Greene Foster, AEJ: Economic Policy 15(1):394-437 (2023).
Estimated Mortality Increases During The COVID-19 Pandemic By Socioeconomic Status, Race, And Ethnicity
with Laura R. Wherry and Bhashkar Mazumder, Health Affairs (2021).
Adverse Selection in Medicaid: Evidence from Discontinuous Program Rules
with Betsy Cliff (lead author), Jeffrey T. Kullgren, John Z. Ayanian, Richard A. Hirth, American Journal of Health Economics 8(1):127-150 (2021).
Drug Firms’ Payments and Physicians’ Prescribing Behavior in Medicare Part D
with Colleen Carey and Ethan Lieber, Journal of Public Economics 197 (2021).
Medicaid and Mortality: New Evidence from Linked Survey and Administrative Data
with Norman Johnson and Laura R. Wherry, Quarterly Journal of Economics 136(3):1783-1829 (2021).
The ACA Medicaid Expansion in Michigan and Financial Health
with Luojia Hu, Robert Kaestner, Bhashkar Mazumder, and Ashley Wong, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 40(2):348-375 (2021).
What Happens After an Abortion Denial? A Review of Results from the Turnaway Study
with Laura R. Wherry and Diana Greene Foster, AEA Papers and Proceedings 110:226-230 (2020).
Do Neighborhoods Affect Credit Market Decisions of Low-Income Borrowers? Evidence from the Moving to Opportunity Experiment
with Cindy Soo, Review of Financial Studies 34(2): 827-863 (2021).
The Impact of Insurance Expansions on the Already Insured: The Affordable Care Act and Medicare
with Colleen Carey and Laura R. Wherry, AEJ: Applied Economics 12(4):288-318 (2020).
The Long-Term Effects of Early Life Medicaid Coverage Appendix
with Laura Wherry, Journal of Human Resources 54(3):785-824 (2019).
Four Years Later: Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Continue to Diverge Between ACA Medicaid Expansion and Non-Expansion States
with Laura Wherry, AEA Papers and Proceedings 109:327-333 (2019).
The Effect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions on Financial Well-Being
with Luojia Hu, Robert Kaestner, Bhashkar Mazumder, and Ashley Wong, Journal of Public Economics 163:99-112 (2018).
Childhood Medicaid Coverage and Later Life Health Care Utilization Appendix
with Laura Wherry, Robert Kaestner, and Bruce D. Meyer, Review of Economics and Statistics 100(2):287-302 (2018).
Health and Access to Care during the First 2 Years of the ACA Medicaid Expansions
with Laura Wherry, New England Journal of Medicine. 376: 947-956 (2017).
Previous Medicaid Expansion May Have Had Lasting Positive Effects on Oral Health of Non-Hispanic Black Children
with Lipton BJ, Wherry LR, Kenney GM, and Decker SL, Health Affairs 35(12):2249-2258 (2016).
Early Coverage, Access, Utilization, and Health Effects of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions: A Quasi-Experimental Study
with Laura Wherry, Annals of Internal Medicine 164(12): 795-803 (2016).
How Do Providers Respond to Changes in Public Health Insurance Coverage? Evidence from Adult Medicaid Dental Benefits
with Thomas Buchmueller and Marko Vujicic, AEJ: Economic Policy 8(4):70-102 (2016).
The Effects of the Massachusetts Health Reform on Household Financial Distress
with Bhashkar Mazumder, AEJ: Economic Policy 8(3): 284-313 (2016).
Information and Default in Consumer Credit Markets: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Journal of Financial Intermediation 24(1): 45-70 (2015).
Effect of Insurance Expansion on Utilization of Inpatient Surgery
with Chandy Ellimoottil, John Ayanian, and David Miller, JAMA Surgery 149(8):829-836 (2014).
The effect of the Massachusetts reform on health care utilization
Inquiry 49(4):317-26 (2013).
The effect of insurance on emergency room visits: An analysis of the 2006 Massachusetts health reform
Journal of Public Economics 96(11): 893-908 (2012).
The Impact of the Massachusetts Health Care Reform on Health Care Use among Children
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 102(3): 502-07 (2012).